December 07, 2023
Today, we are announcing that with your support we can reach our goal to fulfill many long-awaited needs in our Uganda and Philippines programs as well as replenish our global emergency fund after a challenging year.
First, we'd like to take you to rural Uganda, where we've been working with our local team for 14 years.
Enrollment at our boarding high school in Uganda is now up to 489 students, with 79% of those being orphans and 251 of those orphans being girls in our She Has Hope programs.*
At our Uganda primary school campus we are happy to have 535 students, 10 of whom are boarding at our girls home there.
But the wait-lists are long and the needs are vast.
Because of people like you, in Uganda we're equipped to care for over 1,000 children every school day— nearly half of whom live on-site at our residential care boarding schools.
This year you can help bless our Uganda students with the education facilities they truly deserve— while also increasing our team's ability to grow more of the food we're serving these children: to the tune of 70,000 meals per month!
We have a comprehensive plan in place to achieve the following— with the highest dollar-to-impact ratio we've seen in quite some time!
1️⃣ At our boarding high school we have a rare opportunity to acquire seven acres of adjacent farmland which will include a field for our athletic teams to practice and compete on— a decade-long dream of ours!
See red outline in illustration below for the land purchase opportunity, and a visualization of our current campus in the top area.
2️⃣ Next, with your help, the completion of construction on a wing of the newest school building belonging to the high schoolers is possible. This new wing will come with a computer lab featuring 50 refurbished computer workstations.
3️⃣ At our Uganda primary school campus, your support will make it possible to equip our students with new classroom furniture to accommodate the increasing enrollment, as well as adding a new computer lab there too.
It's hard to imagine, but none of our current primary school students have ever seen a computer, much less been able to use one. This addition will be an educational game-changer for our children.
In summary, you can help power our Uganda "dream goal":
• $18,382 for seven acres land expansion: more farmland plus a new athletic field for our boarding high school
• $29,637 to finish out new high school classrooms wing and install new computer lab
• $17,283 for a computer lab and new classroom furniture at our primary school campus
Total for Uganda Goal: $65,303
Turning your attention to our Philippines Girls Home expansion and renovation project, your support can grow our reach to orphan girls on the island of Cebu— and protect them from the high rate of human trafficking that besieges the region.
$15,082 will help us reach the next step on this important project.
Finally, I want to tell you about our emergency fund that is used throughout the year to help us respond to natural disasters, medical emergencies, and perhaps most importantly: being able to take in rescues the moment they arrive at our door.
The support we receive from donors like you allows us to continue to care for the children who are in our programs but not yet matched with a monthly donor.
Thanks to your generosity at this time of year, we're able to maintain our care for orphans, child labor victims, and young trafficking survivors through 9 resident-care homes and 13 education centers when unexpected needs arise for their programs.
Will you help us reach this year's goal, which includes $160,000 to replenish the emergency fund?
This will be essential in keeping us responsive to emergencies as soon as they arise in 2024.
Please consider a generous gift today!
The funds raised will make a life-altering impact among these children we serve... for years to come!
Thank you for your generosity and commitment to providing a better life for the children of the world who are often forgotten.
Take Action: give hope and donate to our 2023 year-end goal
* Reminder that some of our programs are located on co-educational campuses of our parent organization Peace Gospel International, where orphan and at-risk boys and girls are both cared for.