Top 10 reasons we are feeling hopeful: several positive updates from India, Uganda, Nepal, the Philippines, and Myanmar programs

March 30, 2021

Top 10 reasons we are feeling hopeful: several positive updates from India, Uganda, Nepal, the Philippines, and Myanmar programs

Photo: Girls at our India boarding school are happy to finally be back in the classroom after one year of lockdowns.

Spring has officially arrived and like our now-colorful gardens, many stories of hope are blossoming in our programs at She Has Hope.

We wanted to share a few with you today.

These are the top 10 reasons we are feeling hopeful about 2021!

After a full year of lockdowns, our India school has reopened!



This week we drilled a new deep water well at our Rural Uganda primary school campus which will provide daily clean water to over 250 students and staff!



Our recent Myanmar rice harvest along with vegetable garden and fruit grove produce are feeding our orphans nutritious meals in spite of the economic crisis there.


Nepal storefront


Our new tailoring shop storefront is almost ready for its grand opening in Nepal!

The shop will employ recent She Has Hope trade school graduates who are not yet ready to start their own businesses.



Our Cebu, Philippines farmland has consistently fed 45 children throughout the pandemic lockdowns, and continues to provide nutrition for these orphans and at-risk children.

They enjoy farm-fresh eggs, fish, pork, bananas, coconuts, vegetables, and poultry!



Our Manila, Philippines Children's Hope Center has adapted and thrived despite all the pandemic challenges.

Because of this, our children remain safe, well-fed, and prepared to return to school soon!



Our Kampala, Uganda primary school is preparing to reopen!



Our Rural Uganda director Frank was encouraged by community leaders to run as an independent candidate for governor of the Mayuge District.

In a very unexpected turn of events, he unseated the incumbent governor!

The people love Frank because he has done so much for his local community through our programs.


We've begun planning for our 5th Annual Taste of Hope Wine Dinner which will be this September in Houston. It's going to be a blast!


And the number one reason we are most hopeful about 2021 is... YOU!

It's your generosity, volunteering, and cheers of support that keep all of us at Peace Gospel pressing on toward the goal.

We mean it! We would not see so much hope without you.

Thank you for sticking with us and being hopeful that together we can truly make a difference for those who need hope the most.

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