Uganda henhouse project sees first eggs, estimated to yield $2k/mo for scholarships; school, farmland improvements planned with $38k matching challenge

June 30, 2021

Uganda henhouse project sees first eggs, estimated to yield $2k/mo for scholarships; school, farmland improvements planned with $38k matching challenge

In light of all the heavy news we've shared from our India and Myanmar programs this past few months, we are elated that we get to share some positive news from our Uganda programs.

Thanks to a matching challenge we've received from a generous donor, we have the chance to raise a total of $76,000 for our Rural Uganda orphan care and education programs!

However, the challenge only lasts seven days, so we don't have much time to seize this opportunity.

But first, a quick update on our Uganda henhouse project we funded last summer— we had updated you about six months ago but we have another great update today!

The henhouse project was seriously delayed due to pandemic-related lockdowns, but we were finally able to get our henhouse off to a strong start earlier this year, and now we are very happy to report that we're celebrating our first eggs!

Proceeds generated from egg sales are anticipated to be around $2,000/mo— enough to provide 42 scholarships for orphan girls at our boarding high school every month.

But now that we have more sustainability built into our monthly budget, we have some long-overdue capital needs to address in order to get our rural education programs and their supporting farmland in better shape.

Every dollar you donate over the next seven days will be doubled by the matching challenge to generate a total of $76,000 which will achieve the following goals:

  • Construct an additional dormitory to make more adequate space for our orphan students who live on the high school campus year-round
  • Improved and expanded computer lab for the high school
  • Rainwater harvesting system to capture rain from our school building rooftops and irrigate them to the farmland that feeds our students
  • Campus makeover for our rural primary school— new desks, storm shutters and doors for classrooms, and a solar power solution to bring basic electricity to the school

These projects will bless 390 at-risk girl students on our two campuses with improved quality of life and enhanced education. We feel that these improvements are critical to ensure the strength of the programs that keep them safe, nourished, and learning.

Thanks to the matching challenge, your gift toward this campaign will be automatically doubled to help these 390 girls twice as fast as we usually could!

Our Uganda students and staff have had a rough year and are facing yet another wave of lockdowns from recent spikes in Covid cases.

Please consider blessing them with these critical improvements to their orphan care and education programs this summer!

We could not do this without you! Thank you for your support.

Take Action: Help us bless 650 students with critical improvements to their education facilities and the farmland that feeds them.